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US Army soldiers taking cover from German fire, Brest, 1944
Photograph. United States Army soldiers taking cover behind two war-damaged buildings. Official caption on front: "...
US troops raising an American flag over the swastika at Deutsches Stadion, Nuremberg, 1945
Photograph. United States Army soldiers standing at attention in front of Deutsches Stadion as an American flag is...
German refugees awaiting assistance, Berlin, 1945
Slide. Male and female German civilians of various ages sitting and standing on steps in front of a brick building....
Monthly Production Goals, Packard Motor Car Company, Detroit, Michigan
Photograph. Photograph of monthly production goals, Packard Motor Car Company, Detroit, Michigan. This image shows...
Photograph. American serviceman playing baseball; thatched roof buildings are in the background. Printed date on front...
Dead German soldiers on a roadside in France in July 1944
Bodies of two dead German soldiers on a roadside near a destroyed jeep. "ETO-HQ-44-7602. Franklin. 15 July. Signal...
Unidentified US servicemen in a forest in various states of undress with swords in the Pacific in the 1940s
Unidentified US servicemen in a forest in various states of undress with swords in the Pacific in the 1940s.
Snowy capped peaks in Weissfluh, Switzerland circa 1945
Snowy capped peaks in the Swiss Alps. "View of mountain at Weissfluhjoch, Switzerland." Davos, Switzerland. Circa 1945
Typical damage to hundreds of bridges destroyed by the Japanese in Manila in February 1945
"Typical damage to hundreds of bridges destroyed by Japs in Manila." February 1945
Men walking through Buchenwald concentration camp, Weimar, 1945
Photograph. Two men walking down a road past a small building; more men are walking on the road in the background. "13...
US soldiers watch as a mother bottle-feeds her infant, Naples, Italy, 1943
Photograph. US soldiers watch as a mother bottle-feeds her infant. Official caption on front: "MM-5-150738." Official...
Crumbled building destroyed by volcanic eruption, San Sebastiano, Italy, 1944
Photograph. Crumbled building destroyed by volcanic eruption. Official caption on reverse: "Sig Corps Photo-3-21-44-...
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