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T/4 Harry Volz posing with Filipino women and children, Philippines
Photograph. Technician Fourth Grade Harry Volz kneeling in front of a group of Filipino women and children; A sign for...
Servicemen sitting in the stands of a football stadium
Photograph. Servicemen sitting in stadium stands in their field uniforms; barracks are in the background. Location...
WAC near basketball goal, Italy
Photograph. WAC [Women's Army Corps] in uniform trench coat gives thumbs up at basketball goal. Personal caption on...
War damaged building, Germany, 1945
Photograph. View looking up a steep hillside at a bomb-damaged building. Germany. 1945
Sign for a latrine, Alaska, December 1943
Photograph. Small sign marked 'Latrine' pokes out of a snow-covered landscape. Personal caption on photo front: "...
Rooftops of houses
Photograph. Overexposed. Rooftops of houses; industrial buildings are in the background. Location unknown. No date
Small medical center, United States, 1945
Photograph. Exterior view of small medical center. Official Caption: "Rome, 7/5/45--The small medical center, serving...
Portrait of General Joseph W. Stilwell, Commander of the U.S. 10th Army, June 1945
Photograph, portrait. General Joseph W. Stilwell, Commander of the U.S. 10th Army. Official Caption: "Rome, 6/22/45--...
Australian troops landing at Balikpapan, Borneo, 1945
Photograph. Troops of the Australian Seventh Infantry Division heading for tropical shore in landing craft; large cloud...
Mormon Temple and reflecting pool, Hawaii, August 1945
Photograph. View looking up at the Mormon Temple with a reflecting pool in the foreground. Personal caption on photo...
Unidentified man and woman posing for picture on a beach, ETO
Photograph. Unidentified man and woman, wearing suit and dress, posing for picture; they are standing on a beach....
Crowd celebrating VE-Day at Piccadilly Circus, England, 1945
Photograph. American servicemen and British civilians gathering in front of an unidentified structure at Piccadilly...
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