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French Foreign Legion soldiers in Algeria
Several soldiers of the French Army in uniform; all are in uniform and wearing fez hats. "French Foreign Legion."...
2 ton or deuce and a half US truck in Napoli, Italy circa 1944
Two-and-a-half ton or deuce and a half US truck. "Bus run by the 21st General Hospital in Naples from the Medical...
An enemy artillery barrage on a bridge near the Balete Pass in the Philippines in 1945
"Enemy artillery barrage on bridge near Balete Pass." [1945]
Surrender of Japanese General Yamashita and all Japanese land, sea and air forces at Baguio, Luzon in the Philippines in August 1945
"Surrender of Japanese General Yamashita, and all Japanese Land, Sea and Air Forces at Baguio, Luzon." August 1945
US tanks in a muddy field, Italy, 1944
Photograph. Sherman tank crews move through muddy Italian field. Official caption on front: "MM-5-152525." Official...
South African serviceman examining abandoned German supplies in Italy on 28 April 1945
389.Photograph. South African serviceman examining abandoned German supplies. '28 April 45. 5/MM-45-8026. Fifth Army,...
Wounded US soldier being carried on litter in Cisterna, Italy, 1944
Photograph. Wounded US soldier being carried on litter over a narrow stream. Official caption on front: "MM-5-44-5600...
French civilians at the bomb-damaged harbor, Cannes, France, 1944
Photograph. French civilians at the bomb-damaged harbor. Official caption on front: "7/MM-44-2509." Official caption on...
Army nurse adjusts an IV in a soldier's arm in Italy, circa 1944-1945.
112.Photograph. Army nurse adjusts an IV inserted into a soldier's arm. Soldier is lying on hospital bed with head...
6th South African Armored Division soldiers in Italy in November 1944
436.Photograph. '15 Nov. 44. 5/MM44-30172. Fifth Army, Veggio Area, Italy. Coming out of their fox-holes and dugouts...
A G.I. marks a map with landing sites at Guadalcanal in 1944
From Volume 1: South Pacific Theater. A G.I. marks a map with landing sites. "Staff marks landing site on chart (Jul 44...
Japanese flamethrower fuel tanks are measured at New Britain in August 1944
Japanese flamethrower fuel tanks are measured. "Captured Japanese flame throwers are analyzed for weapons comparison."...
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