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Soldier salutes officer in San Luis Obispo, California on 30 March 1944
1140. '3-30-44. Sharetts. First Sgt. A.J. Leavy reports to Capt. G.W. Vreeland, Jr., C.O. of the 549th Ord. Heavy...
71st Division armored cars on firing line at Frey range Fort Benning on 10 October 1944
1758. '10 Oct 44. Paik. 71st Div RCN troops armored cars on firing line at Frey range Fort Benning, Georgia. 168-L-44-...
Burst of 105mm Howitzer shells dot the sky during a demonstration given at Camp Atterbury, Indiana on 11 August 1944
2011. '11 Aug 44. Barry. Burst of 105mm Howitzer shells dot the sky as M-4 medium tanks move across the fields in...
Stars and Stripes fly over Iwo Jima on 23 February 1945
547.Photograph Consolidated PB4Y-1 Liberator 'File Number: CinCPac-POA AH-81. 24 February 1945 Stars and Stripes fly...
32nd Infantry Regiment soldiers waiting at dock alongside troop transport ship before being shipped to the Marshall Islands in January 1944
32nd Infantry Regiment soldiers waiting at dock alongside troop transport ship before being shipped to the Marshall...
Medium tanks move up and deploy during an attack on a fortified position during an exercise at Camp Atterbury, Indiana on 8 September 1944
2094. '8 Sept. 44 Kilian. Co 'C' Medium tanks M-4-A3 772nd Tank Bn move up and deploy during attack on fortified...
81 mm shell after explosion at Fort Benning, Georgia in 1944
1534. '168-L-44-1937.' 81 mm shell after explosion. Army Signal Corps photograph v1944
Non-commissioned officer club at Fort Benning, Georgia on 10 October 1944
1688. '10 Oct 44. DuTiel. Junsleeers NCO Club of 14th Inf 71st Div, Ft Benning, Ga. 168-L-44-16408.' Army Signal Corps...
Ocie W. Robbins on bottom right during World War II, probably in Italy
Ocie W. Robbins on bottom right during World War II, probably in Italy.
First hangar on the Attu Island Air Base", Alaska c.1943.
"first Hangar on the Attu Island Air Base", Alaska c.1943.
A soldier stands in front of fellow soldiers with a Thompson submachine gun during World War II
A soldier stands in front of fellow soldiers with a Thompson submachine gun at an unknown Pacific location during World...
Chaplain Harold Megill in front of his barracks with an organ at Camp MacArthur, Iceland in 1943
"Organ Chaplain H.R. Megill, Iceland." A Nissen hut is in the background.
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