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Wedding photo of Martha O'Driscoll and first husband, California, 1943
Photograph. Portrait of the couple and their parents after the marriage of Martha O'Driscoll and first husband Richard...
Military convoy crossing a pontoon bridge
Photograph. Military trucks belonging to the 17th Armored Engineer Battalion driving over a pontoon bridge. Presumably...
Captured Japanese submarine on deck of naval vessel, San Francisco, California, 1945
Photograph. Captured Japanese submarine on the deck of an American landing ship. Official Caption: "Rome. 6/29/45--...
President Truman shaking hands with British Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden, Washington, D. C., June 1945
Photograph. U.S. President Harry S. Truman (left) shaking hands with British Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden at the...
U.S General Courtney H. Hodges welcomed home in Atlanta, Georgia, 1945
Photograph. Georgia Governor Ellis Arnall shaking hands with General Courtney H. Hodges, Commander of the U.S. First...
Garden and grounds of Mormon tabernacle, Honolulu, February 1946
Photograph. Grounds of a Mormon tabernacle with terraced palm trees and reflecting pool. Personal caption: "5 Feb '46...
Three Marines stand outside near some shrubs, Hawaii, May 1946
Photograph. Three Marines stand outside near some shrubs. Personal caption on photo reverse: "May 4 - 1946 / __, Bob...
United States sailors Mac and Ferrini on the deck of PT-305, ETO
Photograph. Two United States sailors, Mac and Ferrini, sitting for picture on the deck of Patrol Torpedo Boat (PT Boat...
Room in the Malacañang Palace, Philippines, 1945
Photograph. Large entryway with curtains leading into a sitting room in the Malacañang Palace. Manila, Philippines. 1945
B-29 lands on runway, Guam
Photograph. B-29 Superfortress landing on runway. Personal caption on photo reverse:"Northwest Field at Guam." Guam. [...
US servicemen leaning against an L-5
Negative. American serviceman leaning against the "Vegas Belle" Stinson L-5 Sentinel. Location unknown. No date
Two Australian soldiers talking to each other on Labuan Island, near Borneo, June 1945
Photograph. Two Australian soldiers talking to each other underneath a large tree on the side of a dirt road. Notice...
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