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US sailor stands aboard ship deck docked at pier
Photograph. An unidentified uniformed US sailor stands aboard ship deck docked at pier. Location unknown. No date
GIs play baseball, Philippines, 1945
Photograph. GIs sit at a table gambling. Many are drinking and smoking. Philippines. 1945
Shirtless US Seabee sits at a table inside a tent. Philippine Islands. c. 1945
Photograph. Shirtless US Seabee sits at a table inside a tent with book and clipboard. Philippine Islands. 1944-45
Lt. William Banks standing in a forest clearing
Photograph. Lieutenant William Banks posing for a photograph in a forest clearing. Location unknown. No date
Bombed-out European city
Photograph, aerial. Remains of a bombed-out European city; rubble piles line the cleared streets; two servicemen are...
Hurricane blows through campsite, Philippines
Photograph. Pitched tent strains against tethers and palm trees blow sideways during hurricane. Personal caption on...
A gun turret aboard a submarine, likely in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii circa 1941-42
Photograph. Gun turret aboard a submarine. Likely Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. No date
The luxury ocean liner SS Lurline in Hawaii circa 1941-42
Photograph. The luxury ocean liner SS Lurline. Hawaii. No date
9th Air Force staff sergeant sitting on a motorcycle
Photograph. 9th Air Force staff sergeant sitting on a motorcycle. Pitched tents on the background. Unknown location. No...
Infantrymen walking through Montelimar, France, 1944
Photograph. French civilians and infantrymen of the 3rd Infantry Division walking down a main street; debris litters...
Four soldiers work on wooden framing at a construction site. Umnak. 1944
Photograph. Four soldiers work on wooden framing at a construction site. A snowcapped mountain is visible in the...
Coast Guardsmen lifting a wounded soldier on to a hospital ship, Marshall Islands
Photograph. Two Coast Guardsmen lifting a wounded soldier on a stretcher from a landing craft to a hospital ship....
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