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Men, about to be executed by Japanese soldiers, kneel before their open graves, Guam, 1941
Photograph. Two or three unidentified men, about to be executed by Japanese soldiers, kneeling before their open graves...
American ex-serviceman repairing furniture and art, United States, 1945
Photograph. Man sitting in room repairing old pieces of furniture and art. Official Caption: [damaged] "Rome, 7/ 28/45...
Service Dress worn by enlisted women in the Women's Reserve of the U.S. Naval Reserve
Photograph. Woman modeling the Service Dress worn by enlisted women in the Women's Reserve of the U.S. Naval Reserve....
Five Marines pose outside with the unit shield, Hawaii, January 1946
Photograph. Five Marines pose outside with the unit shield, FMF-PAC. Rogers pretends to choke Lt. Kilgore. Personal...
U.S. Marine Lee Storer, San Diego, California, 16 October 1946
Photograph. Uniformed U.S. Marine Lee Storer standing for picture outdoors; buildings in background. Personal Caption...
United States serviceman Joe Cirlot posing for picture with cannon on back of PT-305, ETO
Photograph. United States serviceman posing for picture with cannon on back of American patrol torpedo boat (probably...
GI folds laundry, PTO
Photograph. Uniformed GI folds laundry. Stamped on photo reverse: "Ezell 9660." PTO. No date
Rice husking, Philippines, 1945
Photograph. Filipino man assisting a woman with rice husking using a large mortar and pestle. Philippines. 1945
Native islanders in their village, PTO, 1945
Photograph. Pacific Island women and children gathered in the village center. One woman looks very pregnant. PTO. [1945]
156th Infantry Band performs a concert
Photograph. The 156th Infantry Band performs a concert in a circular lobby. Crowd of onlookers in hats and jackets in...
A female USO performer on stage in the Mariana Islands during World War II
Photograph. Female United Service Organizations performer dancing on an outdoor stage during a Bob Hope show. Location...
War damaged buildings in Düren, Germany, 1944
Photograph, aerial. Massive destruction to city from strategic Allied bombing. No buildings remain standing and rubble...
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