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Grether and two friends posed in front of a Jeep, Philippines
Photograph. Grether and two friends posed in front of a Jeep. Personal caption on photo reverse:"Heavy, Tony, Ward"...
The luxury ocean liner SS Lurline in Hawaii
Photograph. A side of the luxury ocean liner SS Lurline. Hawaii. No date
A tugboat, likely in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii circa 1941-42
Photograph. A tugboat. Personal caption: "A tug in dry dock." Likely Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. No date
Airmen mill around an aircraft
Photograph. Airmen mill around an aircraft. Man in foreground wears full gear, including helmet and bedroll. Unknown...
Pont Saint-Bénézet, Avignon, France
Photograph. Arches of the Pont Saint-Bénézet; Avignon is in the background. Avignon, France. No date
Barren terrain with water or snow in the low valleys and a flat-topped mountain in the distance. Umnak. 1944
Photograph, landscape. Barren terrain with water or snow in the low valleys and a flat-topped mountain (possibly a...
Elevated view of the city and mosque, Cairo
Photograph. Souvenir. Official caption: "5. Citadel and view of Cairo [from envelope]." Cairo, Egypt. No date
Serviceman outside of tent in mud
Photograph. Serviceman outside of tent in mud, taken from inside a tent across the way. Location and date unknown, no...
Bridge Construction
Photograph. A photo of American engineers building a bridge. Location unknown, no caption provided. No date
Servicemen posing with a military wrecker
Photograph. Four servicemen posing next to a military wrecker. Personal caption on reverse: "F.R. / R. Swanlund / L....
Sailor riding a horse
Photograph. An American sailor sits bareback on a horse while another sailor adjusts the horse's reins; another horse...
Serviceman and a woman standing under a tree
Photograph. Officer "Shorty" Clausen standing under a tree with a his right arm around a civilian woman; a man sitting...
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