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Singlaub, John Post Military Career
John Singlaub lectured around the country after his career in the United States Army. He had two major themes. One...
Gross, Herbert Basic Training
After Pearl Harbor, Herbert Gross was drafted. He had a brief basic training program. By August 1942, he had started...
Bodis-Wollner, Ivan Escape from Hungary
It was a relatively small crowd at the University [Annotator's Note: University of Szeged in Szeged, Hungary] when Ivan...
Creek, Roy Taking Chef-du-Pont
Roy Creek remembered taking the bridge at Chef-du-Pont [Annotator's Note: Chef-du-Pont, France]. The bridge was intact...
Witaker, Richard "Dick" Reflections
Richard Witaker fought in World War 2 out of a sense of duty to his country. He cannot understand anyone who shirks the...
Angel, Earl Prewar Life to Paratrooper Training
Earl Angel was born in August 1923 in Hanover, Pennsylvania. He had ten siblings, four sisters and six brothers. His...
Norberg, Willard "Bill" War's End and Postwar
Bill Norberg [Annotator's Note: aboard the USS Enterprise (CV-6)] returned to Bremerton, Washington via Pearl Harbor [...
Puckett, Hubert Postwar and Reflections
It took 20 or 30 years for Hubert L. Puckett to talk about what he experienced during Pearl Harbor [Annotator's Note:...
Thompson, Thomas Closing Thoughts
Thomas D. Thompson did not seek any treatment for the issues he was having [Annotator's Note: with post traumatic...
Kirk, James Shot Down over Hungary
James Read Kirk bombed France [Annotator's Note: with the 96th Bombardment Squadron, 2nd Bombardment Group, 15th Air...
Osgood, Edgar Navigator Training
Edgar De Pue Osgood got a good reputation and asked for a transfer. They were forming a transport squadron in Kansas...
Nesossis, Richard Memorable Missions and the B-24
Richard Lamey Nesossis flew 52 missions during World War 2 in the Pacific Theater. Every mission had a primary,...
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