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Butz, John Combat Bombing Missions and War's End
After World War 2, John B. Butz and his unit [Annotator's Note: 885th Bombardment Squadron, 2641st Special Group, 15th...
Kern, Frank Prewar Life and Boot Camp
Frank Kern served as a corporal in A Battery, 1st Battalion, 10th Marines [Annotator's Note: 10th Marine Regiment, 2nd...
Bailey, Kenneth Postwar and Memories
When Kenneth H. Bailey was getting ready to go to England, the First Sergeant would say they could do what they wanted...
Stumpfa, James Postwar Life
After the war, Jim Stumpfa got Grace [Annotator's Note: a Navy girlfriend] a hotel room when she came to visit [...
Martin, Robert Back in the States
Robert Martin to Jamaica and Panama [Annotator's Note: aboard the USS LST-515]. He sent his lieutenant's mail to China...
O'Rorke, James Early Life
James Richard O'Rorke was born in Washington, Pennsylvania [Annotator's Note: in September 1922] which is known for...
Wise, Curtis Killing a Tree
One of Curtis Winfred Wise's brothers was in the service. They did not talk much about it. He did talk to his parents...
Troemel, Ben Back to the USS Enterprise (CV-6)
When Benjamin Troemel came into Kaneohe, there were obstacles on the runway, and he was greeted by a chief with a...
Gruber, Harper Reflections
There was a radioman on Harper Gruber's ship [Annotator's Note: the USS YMS-339] who would pick up the world news and...
Wiebe, Ted Early Life, Enlistment and Assignment to the USS Lexington (CV-2)
Ted Wiebe was born in Dallas, Oregon and raised around southeast Portland. When his father was killed in an automobile...
Lomax, Charles "Charlie" Prewar Life to England
Charlie Lomax was born in January 1921 in East Spencer, North Carolina. He graduated from Wake Forest University [...
Klein, Gerda Marched Out of the Camp
[Annotator's Note: Gerda Klein, who was in slave labor camp in Poland, can be very difficult to understand at points...
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