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Singlaub, John Postwar Service with the US Army and CIA
John Singlaub wanted to be a regular Army officer after the war ended. He immediately applied for the integration of...
Reynolds, Florence G. Treatment of WASPs
Florence Reynolds finished training on 6 June 1944. Afterwards, she was stationed in California. She was allowed to...
Bodis-Wollner, Ivan Liberated by Americans
Ivan Bodis-Wollner was put on trains and taken from Bergen-Belsen [Annotator's Note: Bergen-Belsen concentration camp...
Creek, Roy Preparation for Normandy
Roy Creek thought they were well prepared for Normandy [Annotator's Note: D-Day; the Allied invasion of Normandy,...
Frazier, Glenn Osaka
Glenn Frazier loaded on a Japanese freighter with 49 other POWs [Annotator's Note: prisoners of war] on 20 October 1942...
Witaker, Richard "Dick" Saving the Life of an Officer
Richard Witaker had a memorable experience after the campaign for Okinawa was over and the island was declared secured...
Skinner, Charles Postwar and Reflections
Charles Brightman Skinner was aboard a Liberty ship [Annotator's Note: a class of quickly produced cargo ship] heading...
Norberg, Willard "Bill" Battle of Eastern Solomon Islands
In August 1942, Bill Norberg knew that the Marines had landed on Guadalcanal [Annotator's Note: Guadalcanal, Solomon...
Puckett, Hubert Farm Boy to Assistant Police Chief at Pearl Harbor
Hubert L. Puckett was born in Newton, Mississippi in May 1919. He moved to Dekalb, Mississippi with this family when he...
Thompson, Thomas The Philippines and Filipinos
Thomas D. Thompson boarded his Patrol Craft in Leyte [Annotator's Note: Leyte, Philippines] in the Lingayen Gulf [...
Nussenbaum, Seymour From England to France
[Annotator's Note: There is a loud hissing noise throughout this clip.] Seymour Nussenbaum and his outfit [Annotator's...
Labauve, Marion Reflections
Marion Labauve went to New York City [Annotator's Note: New York, New York] because he was going to be stationed in...
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