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Stumpfa, James Stationed in North Africa
Jim Stumpfa was assigned to convoy duty in the North Atlantic [Annotator's Note: aboard the USS Bangor (PF-16)]. They...
Rooney, Andrew The French and The Germans
Andrew A. Rooney went into Belgium [Annotator's Note: as a correspondent for the Stars and Stripes, American military...
Kracov, William Postwar Life
William Kracov entered Austria [Annotator's Note: near war's end as a scout for heavy weapons Company M, 3rd Battalion...
Martin, Robert Life Aboard Ship
Robert Martin went to Europe as the radio operator on the USS LST-515. It was cold. Everyone had to stand watch. He...
Balfour, Fred Reflections
Fred Arthur Balfour was told to find his own way on board [Annotator's Note: after the war ended and arriving at his...
Wise, Curtis Jungle Training in Hawaii
After basic training at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, Curtis Winfred Wise went to Fort Rucker, Alabama to a new company...
Harold, Paul War's End
Harold Paul [Annotator's Note: a paratrooper in Company A, 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division]...
Riddle, Robert V-J Day and Discharge
Robert Riddle was at Okinawa when the atomic bombs were dropped. His crew, on hearing of the surrender, was a little...
Gruber, Harper Early Life and the Draft
Harper Gruber was born in November 1924 in his grandmother's home town of Branchville, South Carolina, where the doctor...
Klein, Gerda German Invasion and Anti-Semitism
[Annotator's Note: Gerda Klein can be very difficult to understand at points throughout this interview.] Gerda Klein's...
Hegerty, Ghislaine War Comes to Belgium
Ghislaine Hegerty and her family took shelter from the war in a religious building next to their home [Annotator's Note...
Frydman, Louis Selection at Auschwitz the Transport to the French Border
Louis Frydman reached Auschwitz by train. While only there for five hours, it was his worst experience of the war. He...
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