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Frazier, Glenn Surrendering to the Japanese
Glenn Frazier heard Tokyo Rose broadcast to the defenders of the Philippines that no reinforcements were on the way. [...
Irvine, Elizabeth "Elizabeth Lautzenheiser" Education and Her Grandmother
Elizabeth Lautzenheiser Irvine began attending school in the internment camp [Annotator's Note: the Santo Tomas...
Ericson, John Recovery and Home
John Ericson spent time in the hospital [Annotator's Note: after being wounded during the Battle of the Bulge or German...
Witaker, Richard "Dick" Survival
Richard Witaker heard the Japanese propaganda from Tokyo Rose only once. That was when he had gone to the rear for food...
Norberg, Willard "Bill" Becoming a Sailor
Bill Norberg remembers Hitler [Annotator's Note: German dictator Adolf Hitler] exerting his power prior to the start of...
Fisch, Robert LIfe Decisions
Robert Fisch continued to have food consumption as a first priority following his father's reinterment. [Annotator's...
Stone, Leno Postwar Life
Leno E. Stone attended Washington State College [Annotator's Note: now Washington State University in Pullman...
Thompson, Thomas Combat in the Mediterranean and Adriatic
Thomas D. Thompson was assigned to PTC-21 [Annotator's Note: unable to verify] in Squadron 15 [Annotator's Note: Motor...
Carlson, Donald 10th Mountain Division Association
Donald Rudolph Carlson got involved with the 10th Mountain Division Association [Annotator's Note: National Association...
Noe, Leanne Liberation
Leanne Blinzler Noe [Annotator's note: a child internee at Santo Tomas Internment Camp, or, Manila Internment Camp,...
Du Pre, Peter Reflections
Peter Du Pre talks at schools about World War 2. He thinks the younger generations have no idea about the war. He feels...
Bailey, Kenneth Overseas and Through France
Kenneth H. Bailey deployed overseas in December 1943. He spent Christmas in Singleton, England. They spent six months...
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