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Hegerty, Ghislaine Early Life
Ghislaine Hegerty was born in November 1924 in Courtrai, Belgium. Her childhood was serene prior to the war. She was...
Frydman, Louis Concentration Camps
Louis Frydman was removed from the Warsaw ghetto. A train took the surviving ghetto uprising participants to Majdanek...
Lutz, William Shipped Overseas
William Lutz was in the 77th Infantry Division. He did not know where they would be sent. They went to Oahu [Annotator’...
Moran, John "Jack" Background Information and Becoming a Squad Leader
[Annotator's Note: The interviewer asks John Moran several follow-up questions]. Moran was born in September 1925 and...
Grimes, James Returning Home and Postwar Life
James William Grimes kept in touch with his family by writing letters occasionally. He had a girlfriend in high school...
Schleider Jr., Benjamin Into Combat
Benjamin Schleider and his unit [Annotator's Note: 6th Armored Division] landed at Utah Beach on 18 July 1944. The...
Shown, Donald Indianapolis and the Atomic Bomb
Donald Herbert Shown and his ship [Annotator’s Note: USS Indianapolis (CA-35)] completed delivery of atomic bomb [...
Darphin, Irma "Irma Boulet" Postwar Life and Thoughts
Irma Darphin was in Rennes, France when her brother looked her up. He was a captain in the 156th Infantry National...
Gordon, Fred Constant Combat
Fred Gordon recalls being under constant enemy fire for weeks. He was eventually transferred from the observation post...
Johnson, Malcolm First Japanese Attack on Wake Island
Malcolm Johnson was a civilian contractor for Morrison-Knudsen [Annotator’s Note: American civil engineering and...
Carlson, Clarence Early Life and Joining the Army Air Forces
Clarence Carlson was born Kittson, Minnesota in June 1921. His family moved to Svea Township where he attended school...
de Marcken, Christian Tough Times and Liberation
Christian de Marcken said that at the time of the Battle of the Bulge [Annotator's Note: Battle of the Bulge or German...
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