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Gibson, Robert "Doby" War's End and Occupation
As the Germans were pushed farther into Germany, they put up less of a fight, according to Robert W. "Doby" Gibson. His...
McLaurine, Luke Reflections
Luke Layton McLaurine, Jr. left the service in April 1951 as a first lieutenant. He used the G.I. Bill to take flying...
Frazier, Glenn Battle of Bataan
Glenn Frazier was responsible for delivering ammunition to the Philippine Army at the front lines after the invasion of...
Irvine, Elizabeth "Elizabeth Lautzenheiser" Internment Camp Hospital
Elizabeth Lautzenheiser Irvine and the other internees were very leery of their Japanese captors. They were not all bad...
Ericson, John Wounded during the Battle of the Bulge
John Ericson and his outfit [Annotator's Note: Company B, 2nd Battalion, 194th Glider Infantry Regiment, 17th Airborne...
Witaker, Richard "Dick" War Production
Richard Witaker recognizes the valuable role played by the American home front in winning the war. Without the...
Norberg, Willard "Bill" The Great Depression
In 1929, Bill Norberg's father lost his job due to the Great Depression [Annotator's Note: the Great Depression was a...
Fisch, Robert PTSD and Humanity
Robert Fisch never wanted to talk about his wartime experiences at first. If asked, he would explain, but otherwise he...
Thompson, Thomas Prewar Life and Pearl Harbor
Thomas D. Thompson was born in Wichita Falls, Texas in August 1925. There were ten children in his family, and he was...
Carlson, Donald Overseas to Play Basketball
After basic training, Donald Rudolph Carlson was shipped to Fort Bliss, Texas for training in an anti-aircraft battery...
Harris, Rufus Closing Thoughts
Rufus Harris does not recall celebrating the atomic bomb [Annotator's Note: nuclear weapons dropped on Hiroshima and...
Noe, Leanne Interned Life in the Philippines
Leanne Blinzler Noe attended classes with several other children where they learned Tagalog [Annotator's Note: an...
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