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Sadler, Richard The Home Guard
Just before he turned 16 years old, Burt Richard Sadler went to work in a factory that made grease guns for tank wheels...
Geist, Lloyd Anecdotes and Postwar Careers
Lloyd Geist recalls that during the Battle of Saint-Lo [Annotator's Note: Saint-Lô, France] he was sitting in his...
McConnell, Trist Overseas Deployment
Julian Trist Bringier McConnell first went to Cuba before heading to the Panama Canal [Annotator's Note: Panama]. While...
Lepore, Louis Becoming a Marine
Louis R. Lepore joined the Marine Corps in September 1942 and retired in May 1971 after 29 years of service. Lepore...
Kruszewski, Z. Anthony Warsaw between Wars
Z. Anthony Kruszewski was born in June 1928 in Warsaw, Poland. His grandfather was a chemist working in Russia. The...
Motil, Joseph Getting overseas
Joseph Motil was deferred for six months and then went into the service on 22 January 1942. Motil was born on 24 July...
Mann, Karl Segment 8
Mann's group walked to the other side of the valley to join the battalion [Annotator's Note: 3rd Battalion, 157th...
Scheffel, Charles Segment 9
Only five men survived from the fight on the hilltop. It was the first time Charles Scheffel was wounded. A German had...
Weinart, John Segment 5
John Weinart could only stay scared for so long. He did his best to maintain his excitement and adrenaline. There was a...
Cook, Norman War's End
[Annotator’s Note: Someone in the background is audible throughout this segment. The interviewee also knocks on the...
Vejtasa, Stanley Segment 13
One of the new pilots from Vejtasa's group got lost during the battle. He tried to make it to Guadalcanal but couldn't...
Baum, Abraham "Abe" Segment 10
Baum was sickened by the sight and the situation. He had to regroup his men and come up with a plan to get back to the...
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