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Saloom, Kaliste Clandestine Operations
Kaliste Saloom assisted downed Allied pilots escaping from occupied Europe through Spain and Portugal. Franco [...
Frydman, Louis Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
Louis Frydman felt the Warsaw ghetto uprising was just a matter of choosing how to die. [Annotator's Note: Frydman...
Hayashi, Shizuya Reflections
Shiyuza Hayashi is Japanese-American. He was born in America and did not know what Japan was like. His parents had...
Lutz, William The CCC and the Army
William Lutz was not in a combat unit. They trained other units for amphibious landings. They went hunting and fishing...
Moran, John "Jack" War is a Lousy, Dirty Business
During the Battle of Bulge [Annotator's Note: Battle of the Bulge or Ardennes Counteroffensive, 16 December 1944 to 25...
Grimes, James The Philippines, Guam, and China
James William Grimes [Annotator's Note: assigned to Carrier Aircraft Service Unit 45 (CASU 45) aboard the USS Hornet (...
Schleider Jr., Benjamin Being an Aide to General Grow
Benjamin Schleider was assigned to General Grow's [Annotator's Note: US Army Major General Robert Walker Grow,...
Johnson, Raleigh Reflections on the War
Raleigh W. Johnson Jr.’s most memorable experience of World War 2 was visiting with his uncle in Chicago [Annotator’s...
Patterson, James Reflections
James Patterson enjoyed flying. He misses flying. His nephew took him to Mount Pleasant, Texas where there was a hangar...
Greenup, Rena Talking About Her Holocaust Experiences
When Rena Greenup was high school age, she attended Anatolia College, a girl's high school in Salonika, and did well....
Kerchum, Paul Reflections of the War
Real estate helped Paul Kerchum get over his war experience because it was very cutthroat. Sometimes he would have...
Duhon, Larris Preparations for D-Day
Larris Duhon was assigned to the 300th Engineer Combat Battalion and was sent overseas to Europe from Camp Shanks [...
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