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Noe, Leanne Childhood in the Philippines
Leanne Blinzler Noe was born in June 1933 in San Francisco, California, but grew up in the Philippines. Her parents met...
Du Pre, Peter Becoming a Medic
Peter Du Pre turned down his next deferment and joined the service. His three brothers were already in the service....
Bailey, Kenneth Getting Drafted
The day Kenneth H. Bailey got his draft notice [Annotator's Note: 4 November 1942] was a very bad day. He knew it was...
Stumpfa, James Prewar life
Jim Stumpfa is 94 years old [Annotator's Note: at the time of this interview]. He was in the US Coast Guard for four...
Rooney, Andrew Ernest Hemingway
Andrew A. Rooney [Annotator's Note: correspondent for the Stars and Stripes, American military newspaper] did run...
Kracov, William Combat in Germany
William Kracov did not particularly like basic training, but he felt prepared afterward. He sailed right to Europe on...
Martin, Robert Joining the Navy
Robert Martin wanted to join the Navy because his friend had gone in before he did. He was a year or two older than him...
Balfour, Fred Transferred to Nuremberg
Fred Arthur Balfour [Annotator's Note: SHAEF – Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force] was going to be sent...
Altmann, Judith Reflections on the Holocaust
Judith Altmann still has terrible dreams. Fortunately, because of her positive outlook, she doesn't allow memories of...
Buchert, Cyril A. Bombing Missions
Cyril Buchert found that the typical targets were hangers and airfields with their airplanes. [Annotator's Note:...
Harold, Paul Operation Market Garden
Harold Paul [Annotator's Note: a paratrooper in Company A, 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division]...
Riddle, Robert Initiation at Tarawa
Robert Riddle's introduction to war came shortly after the Battle of Tarawa, where thousands of Marines perished....
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