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Grant, Edward Overseas Deployment
After receiving his commission, Edward Grant worked in Florida as a B-17 [Annotator's Note: Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress...
Caplan, Lester Early Life, the Draft, and Training
Lester Caplan was born in 1924 in Baltimore, Maryland. As the son of a traveling salesman, he felt his childhood was "...
Biondo, Frank The Normandy Invasion
Frank Biondo was on deck crossing the English Channel for D-Day [Annotator's Note: Allied invasion of Normandy, France...
Sadler, Richard The Blitz
The bombings started getting hectic. By then, Burt Richard Sadler was 15 years old and had joined the local Boy's...
Geist, Lloyd Interaction with Locals and Shooting Down a Plane
Lloyd Geist learned the art of bartering by trading a fifth of whiskey for a BMW [Annotator's Note: Bayerische Motoren...
McConnell, Trist Becoming a Sailor
Julian Trist Bringier McConnell was born in Memphis, [Annotator's Note: Memphis, Tennessee], where his father was...
Hadjinian, Samuel Reflections of the War
Samuel Hadjinian learned how to drink and smoke through his experience of World War 2. The war helped with his career...
Akins, Robert Segment 8
The Marines knew they would be getting into a yellow jacket's nest if they had to invade Japan. When the war ended,...
Mann, Karl Segment 7
Prior to Mann being called to see Colonel Sparks [Annotator's Note: US Army Brigadier General Felix Sparks], Mann had...
Scheffel, Charles Segment 8
Charles Scheffel had about 5,000 dollars in a musette bag. He got into a jeep with a driver who was from New York City...
Weinart, John Segment 4
John Weinart notes that the Virgin Mary prayer card experience is in the book that he wrote. The Bronze Star that...
Cook, Norman Overseas to Europe
Norman Cook finished his third phase of training in the Army Air Corps and was sent to Mitchell, South Dakota. He was...
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