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Saloom, Kaliste Interview Interruption
The interview of Kaliste Saloom is interrupted briefly.
McDonald, Robert Closing Thoughts and Postwar Life
There was no way to avoid the war. Japan attacked a US territory [Annotator's Note: the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor...
Niederer, James Postwar and Reflections of the War
After James “Jim” William Niederer was discharged from the army, he married his wife in 1947. They had known each other...
Frydman, Louis Life in the Polish Ghettos
Louis Frydman was called Lolak [Annotator's Note: unsure of spelling] during the war. It was a nickname his brother had...
Hayashi, Shizuya Congressional Medal of Honor
Shiyuza Hayashi was informed in 1999 that he was being awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor [Annotator's Note: the...
Lutz, William Entrance into Service
William Lutz was born in March 1920. He had three younger sisters, and two younger brothers who served in the Korean...
Moran, John "Jack" Bad Behavior on Both Sides
When John Moran was in Belgium during the Battle of Bulge [Annotator's Note: Battle of the Bulge or Ardennes...
Grimes, James Duties and Assignment to the Hornet
James William Grimes was assigned as a mess cook. He was very young [Annotator's Note: he was only 16 years old, but...
Schleider Jr., Benjamin Meeting General Patton
Benjamin Schleider was part of a convoy of 43 ships leaving from New York City to Glasgow, Scotland. The trip took 11...
Johnson, Raleigh War's End
Raleigh W. Johnson Jr. served in the Navy near the end of World War 2. He attended Wright Junior College [Annotator’s...
Patterson, James Postwar Life
James Patterson let the taxi driver watch him go in. His wife introduced him to his son. His son recognized him from...
Greenup, Rena Postwar Struggles
Rena Greenup didn't initially know why they stayed on Lemnos, but she said that when the Germans left Greece, the army...
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