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Harris, Rufus Prewar Life to Navy Ensign
Rufus Harris was born in 1923 in Macon, Georgia. He lived there for four years and then they moved to New Orleans [...
Goss, Samuel "S. Richard Goss" USS Bladen (APA-63)
Samuel Goss boarded the USS Bladen [Annotator's Note: USS Bladen (APA-63)] as it entered into a trial period prior to...
Nicholson, Elmer Reflections
Elmer Nicholson, Jr. had to stay in Europe for about six months after the war ended. They went up the Moselle Valley to...
Tyler, Vernon Stationed in Germany
Vernon Leo Tyler was a cannoneer on gun crews [Annotator's Note: in the 100th Infantry Division]. Gun crew duties...
Bailey, Kenneth Overseas and Postwar
Kenneth H. Bailey went from New York [Annotator's Note: New York, New York] to England on the Highland Chieftain. It...
Rooney, Andrew Flying a Bombing Mission
Andrew A. Rooney [Annotator's Note: correspondent for the Stars and Stripes, American military newspaper] and the other...
Balfour, Fred Deployed to Belgium
Fred Arthur Balfour was in London [Annotator's Note: London, England with SHAEF – Supreme Headquarters, Allied...
Altmann, Judith Death March to Bergen Belsen and Liberation by the British
Judith Altmann recalled that it took three weeks, mostly traveling on foot, to move from Essen to Bergen-Belsen. The...
McGlaun, DeQuindre Returning Home
Some of DeQuindre McGlaun's crew [Annotator's Note: with the 333rd Bombardment Squadron, 94th Bombardment Group, 8th...
Buchert, Cyril A. Becoming an Airman and Joining the Jolly Rogers
Cyril Buchert went into the Army Air Corps flight program but washed out. He was given the option to become a radio...
Harold, Paul D-Day and La Fière Bridge
Harold Paul [Annotator's Note: a paratrooper in Company A, 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division]...
Saloom, Kaliste Postwar
Kaliste Saloom returned home after nearly four years in the military. Almost three years were spent overseas. He had...
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