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Nicholson, Elmer Entrance into the Service
Elmer Nicholson, Jr. went to high school for two years. He went into the CCs [Annotator's Note: Civilian Conservation...
Tyler, Vernon Prewar Life to Enlistment
Vernon Leo Tyler was born in August 1923 in Los Angeles, California. There was no work [Annotator's Note: during The...
Clark, Charles Postwar
[Annotator's Note: There is a loud hum throughout the interview.] Charles William "Tom" Clark was near Vipiteno [...
Rooney, Andrew Prewar Life to Drafted
[Annotator's Note: The interview starts with the set up and with Andrew A. Rooney looking through a book while talking...
Balfour, Fred Prewar life
Fred Arthur Balfour was born in August 1923, in Glens Falls, New York. He lived there until he was 12 years old. When...
Altmann, Judith Life at Auschwitz-Birkenau
Judith Altmann's life in Auschwitz started at 6:30 every morning. It could be very cold, especially when one's only...
Loges, Richard War's End
Richard "Dick" Loges [Annotator's Note: with Company H, 2nd Battalion, 180th Infantry Regiment, 45th Infantry Division...
McGlaun, DeQuindre Missions to North Africa
DeQuindre McGlaun [Annotator's Note: with the 333rd Bombardment Squadron, 94th Bombardment Group, 8th Air Force] went...
Doroff, Lorraine Closing Thoughts
Lorraine Doroff's most memorable experience of World War 2 is signing up and training [Annotator's Note: with the...
LeBlanc, Joyce Westward Progress
Joyce Leblanc followed her husband to America after a year of more paperwork and several trips to London for approvals...
Saloom, Kaliste Military Operations in North Africa
Kaliste Saloom was part of a group of 30 men who landed at Oran in North Africa [Annotator's Note: as part of Operation...
Harris, Oran Pursuit on Palawan
Oran Harris said the Americans went first by sea in pursuit of the Japanese that had retreated into the mountains of...
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