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Linker, George Hospital Stay then Return to Action
George Linker was sick with yellow jaundice while he was on the front. He was pulled back from the action [Annotator's...
Field, Richard Becomming a Paratrooper
Richard J. Field was born and raised in Upstate New York in the small town of Liberty. He lived on the outskirts of...
Bergeron, Fred First Attack of the Battle of Midway
Fred Bergeron saw three carriers as well as battle ships, cruisers and destroyers spread out over a very wide area. The...
Kibort, Reva Displaced Person Camp
Reva Kibort joined her two sisters who went to a DP [Annotator's Note: displaced person] camp near Munich called...
Hart, Howard Surviving Los Baños
Howard Hart saw how difficult it was to survive in the internment camps. In order to prevent the Japanese from taking...
Hull, Lester Anzio and Rome
Lester Hull does not recall when the German counterattack began. He remembers that while the battle lasted for six...
Pogue, John Early Life
John A. Pogue was born in North Madison, Indiana in April 1921. He attended North Madison High School. He participated...
Elliott, Calvin Meeting His Wife
[Annotator's Note: Calvin Elliott was stationed at Borinquen Air Base, Aguadilla, Puerto Rico.] There was a major who...
Shot Down on His 22nd Mission
Berkman, Harold Postwar in Europe
Harold Berkman was still in Austria on 20 May [Annotator's Note: 1945] when his outfit [Annotator's Note: Company F,...
VanDuzer, Raymond Life in the POW Camps
Raymond VanDuzer believed that he would not be a prisoner forever. Once in captivity in Germany, they were marched a...
Chatterton, Charles Return Home and Reflections
Charles Chatterton was relieved to be back in the United States. On his return, they stopped in Honolulu [Annotator's...
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