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Ernest, Malcolm B-29 Bombs and Close Calls
In the main camp [Annotator's Note: Hoten Camp, Mukden, Manchuria; present day China], Malcolm Ernest and the prisoners...
Hanley, Fiske Tokyo War Crimes Trials and Results
After the war, Fiske Hanley was involved in testifying against the Kenpeitai. By then, Hanley was married and had a...
Ellis, Frederick First Kamikaze
Frederick Ellis was sent to Hollandia, New Guinea. He recalls that they were not slated to go on the Leyte [Annotator's...
Spraker, Elmer Postwar Career
Elmer Spraker thought he might transition into rebuilding maritime engines in the civilian sector, and in this section...
Lents, Robert Reflections
After the war, Robert Lents hated the Japanese. He said the Australians took over the island on which he had been kept...
Smithson, Jack Returning Home
Jack A. Smithson was not in Europe for too long after the war was over. When he had enough points [Annotator's Note: a...
Akins, Robert Segment 1
Robert Akins discusses how the heroes were the ones who gave their lives 10,000 miles from home. Of the 120 men in his...
Crain, Joe Segment 4
When Crain got a chance to examine his boat he noticed there were about 50 to 75 marks in the steel where bullets had...
Bollinger, Ardell Segment 4
Ardell Bollinger had a couple of missions near Paris and Hamburg going after submarines. The cities had a large amount...
Guidone, Frank Tasimboko
[Annotators Note: Frank Guidone joined the US Marine Corps in July 1940. After completing boot camp he joined the 1st...
Scheffel, Charles Segment 1
Charles Scheffel was born in Eden, Oklahoma in 1919. His father was an illegal immigrant from Sweden and passed away...
Vejtasa, Stanley Segment 5
The ship went into the Atlantic. Vejtasa's ship met up with the Ranger, CV-4 [Annotator's Note: USS Ranger (CV-4)]....
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