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Fisch, Robert War Comes to Hungary
Robert Fisch observed that after the war began, Jewish men 18 years of age were called to duty to support the military...
Bassemir, Robert Combat and Being Wounded
Robert Bassemir was in a large battle for the first time. After a couple of weeks, the men [Annotator's Note: Company I...
Sutcliffe, Albert Battle of Iwo Jima
On D plus 2 [Annotator's Note: two days after landing day], they [Annotator's Note: Company F, 2nd Battalion, 25th...
Bachmann, George Reflections
George W. Bachmann, Junior had never left his hometown of Akron [Annotator's Note: Akron, Ohio] before joining the Army...
Loges, Richard The Art of Survival
McGlaun, DeQuindre Shot Down
DeQuindre McGlaun [Annotator's Note: with the 333rd Bombardment Squadron, 94th Bombardment Group, 8th Air Force] did...
Doroff, Lorraine Interactions with Men and Women
Lorraine Doroff [Annotator's Note: while serving in the Women's Army Corps or WAC; women's branch of the Army from 1942...
East, Dossie Reflections
Dossie East's most memorable experience was picking up a Japanese pilot just outside the harbor after the attack [...
LeBlanc, Joyce The American Presence
Joyce Leblanc was working in the English land army on a farm that had military housing in 1942. One day, she spied a...
Saloom, Kaliste Early Life
Kaliste Joseph Saloom, Jr. was born in Lafayette, Louisiana on in May 1919. Prior to the war, Saloom attended college...
Harris, Oran Opinions
Oran Harris feels that the leaders of the Axis did not care about their people. Hitler [Annotator's Note: German...
Haslauer, Warren Closing Thoughts
A great number of the troops that were mustered were from the South. Warren J. Haslauer believes the Southern people,...
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