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Spraker, Elmer From Okinawa to the Harbors of Japan
The USS Champion (AM-314) moved to the Okinawa [Annotator's Note: Okinawa, Japan] area, and Elmer Spraker said it was...
Lents, Robert Lasting Health Effects
After he returned to the United States, Robert Lents took a test to go to officers' school, but after he passed, he...
Draxler, Donald Reflections
Donald Draxler was mad at the Japanese for the attack on Pearl Harbor [Annotator's Note: the Japanese attack on Pearl...
Smithson, Jack Overseas Deployment
Jack A. Smithson deployed overseas on the USS George Washington [Annotator's Note: USAT George Washington] a luxury...
Crain, Joe Segment 2
When Crain was in the armada heading towards the beaches [Annotator's Note: during the invasion of Sicily, July 1943],...
Bollinger, Ardell Segment 2
Ardel Bollinger did not get along with the Colonel in England. When Bollinger asked for a recommendation to join the...
Guidone, Frank Fighting on Tulagi
[Annotators Note: Frank Guidone joined the US Marine Corps in July 1940. After completing boot camp he joined the 1st...
James, C.W. "Tex" Segment 9
James notes that when he shot the 5 inch guns they did not have to hit the planes directly because of the amount of...
Vejtasa, Stanley Segment 3
Whidhelm ended up as the CO of Scouting 8 aboard the USS Hornet. One day while sitting in the ready room Vejtasa...
Compton, Lynn "Buck" Segment 9
Lynn Compton never found Lieutenant Dike [Annotators Note: Norman S. Dike] when he went to search for him while his men...
Jones, David "Davey" Segment 2
Jones' group would fly patrols up and down he coast out of McCord. He liked that flying because there were no controls...
Thatcher, David "Dave" Segment 5
Thatcher was able to get his tool kit from the plane. Later in the morning there was a Chinese underground member who...
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