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Vancheri, Edith Reflections
Edith Vancheri's most memorable experience of World War 2 was when a soldier died in her arms [Annotator's Note: as a...
Beilman, Robert Reflections on the War
World War 2 changed Robert Lewis Beilman's life because he met many people from all over the world. He was able to...
Bachmann, George Return Home and Postwar
George W. Bachmann, Junior [Annotator's Note: a waist gunner in the 367th Bombardment Squadron, 306th Bombardment Group...
Williams, Earl Leyte, Philippines
Earl Williams was a corporal [Annotator's Note: in the 318th Port Company, 512th Port Battalion] when they landed [...
Loges, Richard Overseas Deployment
Richard "Dick" Loges received orders for overseas deployment. He and his wife went to Boston [Annotator's Note: Boston...
McGlaun, DeQuindre Preparing for Combat
DeQuindre McGlaun was flying B-17s [Annotator's Note: Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress heavy bomber] that did not have...
Doroff, Lorraine Prewar Life
Lorraine Doroff was born in December 1918 on a family farm near Long Prairie, Minnesota in a log cabin. She liked...
Joslin, Harold Postwar and Reflections
Following the end of the war, Harold Joslin remained in Japan briefly. The former captives were brought to a landing...
East, Dossie The Doolittle Raid and Reassignment
Dossie East saw the planes take off the deck of the Hornet [Annotator's Note: USS Hornet (CV-8)] for the Doolittle Raid...
LeBlanc, Joyce Family Background
Joyce Leblanc was born in September 1924 in the County of Kent, the garden of England. Her father was in the British...
Harris, Oran Combat and Occupation Duty
Oran Harris maintains that after having walked for 67 days, 2,000 people from the Bataan Death March were transferred...
Fienup, Victor The War Ends
Victor Fienup went to Paris [Annotator's Note: Paris, France] on V-E Day [Annotator's Note: Victory in Europe Day, 8...
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