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Beilman, Robert Postwar
After the Germans surrendered [Annotator's Note: in May 1945], Robert Lewis Beilman and his unit [Annotator's Note: 1st...
Bachmann, George Service in Europe
George W. Bachmann, Junior [Annotator's Note: a waist gunner in the 367th Bombardment Squadron, 306th Bombardment Group...
Williams, Earl Shipped to the Philippines
Earl Williams and his outfit [Annotator's Note: 318th Port Company, 512th Port Battalion] would be attacked by the...
Loges, Richard Prewar Life to Military Service
Richard "Dick" Loges was born in January 1921 in in Dayton, Ohio [Annotator's Note: Interviewer pauses interview at 0:...
McGlaun, DeQuindre Bombardier Training
DeQuindre McGlaun passed the military physical exam and then was sent to Fort Benning [Annotator's Note: Fort Benning,...
Joslin, Harold Japanese Guards and War's End
Harold Joslin and his fellow prisoners of war tried to keep their humor up. There was a Japanese guard who marched them...
Roslensky, Marvin Reflections
Marvin A. Roslansky [Annotator's Note: a US Marine assigned to the Guam Insular Force Guard in Guam, Mariana Islands]...
Marshall, Kenneth Return to Civilian Life and Reflections
Kenneth Marshall used the G.I. Bill in 1947, and was subsequently employed by the Northwestern Bell Telephone Company...
East, Dossie Dodging the Bullet
Aboard ship in Hawaii before the attack on Pearl Harbor, Dossie East did not suspect the war was imminent. Pearl Harbor...
Harris, Oran Early Life and Overseas Deployment
Oran Harris was born in Hartford, Tennessee in September 1924. His childhood home was near the Smoky Mountains, about...
Winslow, Lawson Reflections
As a veteran, Lawson Tracy Winslow, Junior is often thanked for his service. It surprises him. During World War 2, the...
Fienup, Victor Liberated at Moosburg
Moosburg [Annotator's Note: Stalag VII, in Moosburg, Germany] was a consolidation of prisoners from all over. When...
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