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Burrus, William Champagne with a German General
William Burrus became a technical sergeant when he returned to the United States after the war ended [Annotator's Note...
McGlohon, John Mapping Missions Around the World
In early 1942, John McGlohon's squadron [Annotator's Note: 3rd Photo Mapping Squadron] was assigned a mapping mission...
Stein, Murray Experience as a POW
Murray Stein remembered the Germans told them to dismantle their weapons, then forced them to march for about six days...
Ernest, Malcolm Cut-off Completely
Malcom Ernest was at Bataan [Annotator's Note: Bataan Peninsula, Luzon, Philippines] about four months [Annotator's...
Hanley, Fiske Combat Missions and Bailing Out Over Japan
The B-29s [Annotator's Note: Boeing B-29 Superfortress very heavy bomber] had "lots of troubles," but Fiske Hanley said...
Borrell, Francis "Frank" Life at Sea
Francis Borrell's first cruise was in the Atlantic Ocean. Borrell believes Hitler [Annotator's Note: German dictator...
Spraker, Elmer Early Life, Enlistment and Basic Training
Elmer Spraker was born in April 1927 in Malden, Massachusetts, the second of two children. After his mother died...
Gomez, Hewitt VE-Day and Postwar
Hewitt Brian Gomez was called [Annotator's Note: called back to active duty] to serve during the Korean War, but he was...
Finklang, Frank Amazing Stories During Missions
Frank Finklang recalls a mission where a plane in front of him was hit and the pilot bailed out but did not have time...
Draxler, Donald Being Treated
Donald Draxler was brought back to Hawaii [Annotator's Note: after being wounded during the Battle of Saipan] and...
Castaing, Albert Postwar & Reflections
[Annotator’s Note: Can hear paper ruffling, seats squeaking, and people in the background throughout this segment.]...
Hawk, John Segment 8
Hawk estimates that his unit captured around 500 German troops after the engagement for which he was awarded the Medal...
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