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Finklang, Frank Rough Missions
Frank Finklang's first combat mission was to bomb Munich [Annotator's Note: Munich, Germany], however the weather was...
Draxler, Donald Saipan
In March or April [Annotator's Note: March or April 1944], Donald Draxler returned to Schofield Barracks [Annotator's...
Hawk, John Segment 7
Hawk describes his war wounds from shrapnel and having the pieces picked out of his skin. He describes the results of...
Crain, Joe Segment 10
Alex Vraciu knew that the next time they saw air action it would be part of a landing somewhere. When his group was...
James, C.W. "Tex" Segment 5
James witnessed one of the atomic bomb blasts at Bikini Atoll after the war. That is how he realized how the war really...
Milosevich, Risto Segment 6
During the first attack the Germans walked toward Milosevich's position. No tanks were sent at them for fear that they...
Beckman, Kenneth Stateside Duty and the Korean War
Kenneth Beckman was sent back to the United States in October 1945. He describes his life as moving from one base to...
Compton, Lynn "Buck" Segment 5
The first person Lynn Compton met up with after the jump into Normandy was Winters [Annotators Note: Richard Winters]....
Noack, John Segment 16
John Noack was flown out of Barth, Germany and taken to a camp in France. They stayed there for about three or four...
Thatcher, David "Dave" Segment 1
At 19 Thatcher finished high school and enlisted in the US Army Air Corps on December 3rd, 1940. Thatcher was sworn in...
Riddle, Clinton "Clint" Holland and the Battle of the Bulge
During the invasion of Normandy, Clinton Riddle and most of the 325th Glider Infantry Regiment landed in British Horsa...
They shot the living Christ out of us
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