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Shirley, John The Cassino Front
John Shirley was an infantry replacement sergeant. He was stationed at Fort Meade, Maryland. After a three-day leave [...
Hamilton, George Reflections on the War
George Hamilton’s most memorable experience of World War 2 was getting hit by a 50-foot wave and the ship shuttering....
Alvarez, Charles Overseas in the Pacific
Charles J. Alvarez Sr. was assigned to the USS Guam (CB-2) as a fireman in June 1944. His crew got along well together...
Keller, Luba First Experience of Nazis
Luba Keller was born in May 1926 in Szydłowiec, Poland. She attended school there. She had never seen airplanes as it...
Stern, Guy From Interrogator to Writer
Guy Stern had a commanding officer at First Army Headquarters named Major Shepard Stone [Annotator's Note: US Army...
Hussey, William Reflections
William Hussey feels World War 2 is still relevant today because it was an outstanding example of how the United States...
Boyles, Edward Military Intelligence and FBI
During the Battle of Midway, Edward E. Boyles spent a lot of his time typing because his superior officer, Lieutenant...
Crump, Ralph South Pacific Encounters
A few days after leaving Australia, the ship 25 miles ahead of Ralph Crump's radioed that it had been under torpedo...
Godbold, Bryghte Support for the POWs
Bryghte Davis Godbold received several Red Cross shipments while incarcerated by the Japanese. The packages were most...
Caraway, John The Great Typhoon
There was ongoing correspondence with people back home, and John Caraway was able to keep abreast of what was going on...
Sandoz, James Operating the 40mm Bofors Gun
James Sandoz was drafted in 1943. He was at school when Japan invaded [Annotator's Note: the Japanese attack on Pearl...
Jaccarino, Richard Returning Home
Once he was back in the United States, Richard Jaccarino traveled by train, dropping off soldiers and train cars all...
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