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Becoming a POW
Blair, Douglas Postwar and Reflections
After the war ended, the captain of the USS Hampden County (LST-803) threw a huge party in Guam [Annotator's Note: Guam...
Claus, Courtland War's End
Courtland Claus will never forget what the Japanese did [Annotator's Note: the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii...
Freeman, Bradford Early Life and Entrance Into Service
Bradford Clark Freeman was born in Lowndes County [Annotator's Note: Lowndes County, Mississippi], and attended school...
Myers, Leroy Segment 14
They got into the base and they stayed and ate. The next morning, they put them on a C-47. There was 2 or 3 other ex-...
Pendleton, Arthur The VA, Joking Around and Food
Arthur Pendleton never claimed his injuries. The system is incredibly wrong. It can be different. Pendleton did ask for...
Mineta, Norman Starting Over
Norman Mineta finished high school in San Jose. The same students he attended class with in the 5th grade before...
McEnery, James New Britain
They [Annotator's Note: Company K, 3rd Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division] were put ashore on New...
Brueland, Lowell Fellow Pilots
Lowell Brueland flew with Clayton Kelly Gross [Annotator’s Note: Captain Clayton K. Gross is also part of the Digital...
Baile, Richard No Regrets
Richard Baile and other airmen who took part in the nighttime firebombing raid on Tokyo still have reunions. At one the...
Kibort, Reva Early Life
Reva Kibort was born in Warsaw, Poland in 1933. She had four sisters and two brothers. The youngest of the children...
Fitz, Robert Land and Sea Stories
During his initial trip to London [Annotator's Note: London, England], Robert Fitz had his first experience with "buzz...
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