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Draxler, Donald First Combat
In November [Annotator's Note: November 1943], Donald Draxler was told he would be going into combat as a reserve...
Castaing, Albert Missions Over Europe
[Annotator’s Note: Can hear paper ruffling, seats squeaking, and people in the background throughout this segment.]...
Hawk, John Segment 6
President Harry S. Truman was convinced to come to the west coast [Annotators Note: to award Hawk with the Medal of...
Crain, Joe Segment 9
When Alex Vraciu bailed out over the Philippines he was at about 300 or 400 feet when hit parachute opened up. He hit...
Disanza, William Segment 14
William Disanza is not positive about everything but he thinks the Great Depression could never repeat itself. Disanza...
James, C.W. "Tex" Segment 4
James was there for about 2 or 3 months for ground school. He was then shipped to Lafayette. He did not make his first...
Milosevich, Risto Segment 5
The 88's [Annotator's Note: German 88 millimeter artillery] started coming in at them around 5:00am [Annotator's note:...
Beckman, Kenneth Second Tour of Duty and Postwar
Kenneth Beckman discusses the comparatively impersonal nature of combat losses in the air versus those faced by the...
Compton, Lynn "Buck" Segment 4
Lynn Compton was not told about the upcoming invasion while he was in Holborn. Compton could tell by the outlay of land...
Noack, John Segment 15
John Noack was able to keep a fair distribution system set up in his barracks to ensure everybody got a decent share....
Riddle, Clinton "Clint" Sicily through Normandy
After arriving in Casablanca in May of 1943, Clinton Riddle and the men of the 325th Glider Infantry Regiment set up a...
Surviving is nothing but luck
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