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Caraway, John Kamikaze Attack off Okinawa
A typical day for John Caraway consisted of reading and distributing daily dispatches, and receiving and sending coded...
Sandoz, James Prewar Life to Omaha Beach
James Sandoz was born in New Iberia, Louisiana in January 1924. His father was a farmer. They did not have electricity...
Jaccarino, Richard War’s End and Liberating South Korea
After Richard Jaccarino was released from the hospital, he was sent to a replacement depot on Saipan, and within a...
Schmittgens, Leo Life on Pavuvu
Leo William Schmittgens recalled getting on the Higgins Boats [Annotator's Note: Landing Craft Vehicle, Personnel or...
Derrington, Clarence "Earl" Stalag XII-A
Clarence Derrington and other POWs [Annotator's Note: prisoner of war] arrived at Stalag XII-A in Limburg. [Annotator's...
Haffner, Robert Marching into Germany
While marching through the Ardennes, Robert Haffner recalls a German jet flying overhead and firing on the 82nd...
Burrus, William Meeting General Patton
They started fighting from town to town. William Burrus was the assistant bazooka man [Annotator's Note: 2.76 inch...
Ernest, Malcolm MacArthur Knew
[Annotator's Note: Malcolm Ernest was stationed at Nichols Field near Manila, Philippines with the 27th Bombardment...
Heller, Robert Crash Landing and Surrender
Robert Heller was low on fuel and had to decide what to do. While looking for a field to take the plane down, he sent a...
Chauvin, Ernest Occupation Duty
The war was over in May 1945 and Ernest Chauvin left Germany in May 1946. He did occupation duty. His company [...
Gomez, Hewitt Routine Missions
Hewitt Brian Gomez's routine missions were to transport secret agents behind enemy lines to help the resistances in...
Finklang, Frank Solving the Mystery of a Missing Friend
[Annotator's Note: Frank Finklang served with the 419th Bombardment Squadron, 301st Bombardment Group, 15th Air Force...
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