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Kiplinger, Austin War Rumblings and Pearl Harbor
World War 2 began in 1931 when Japan invaded north China [Annotator's Note: Manchuria region of China]. Austin H....
Dufour, O'Hearn Growing up in Louisiana
[Annotator’s Note: The interviewee and interviewer are conversing at the beginning and go off subject frequently during...
Shirley, John Prewar Life
John Shirley was born in December 1924 in Santa Ana, California. He had two sisters. He was in school during the...
Hamilton, George War's End and Postwar
George Hamilton was assigned to a skeleton crew aboard the USS Orleck (DD-886) in Norfolk, Virginia when he first heard...
Alvarez, Charles NYC Boy to Sailor
Charles J. Alvarez Sr. was born in New York City [Annotator’s Note: New York City, New York] in September 1926. He grew...
Greenup, Rena Betrayal and Survival
In addition to what Rena Greenup could provide her mother, who knew how to tell fortunes, traded her services from her...
Stern, Guy Awarded the Bronze Star
Guy Stern received the Bronze Star when the war ended. The citation was for his developing a method of mass...
Osterhoudt, Ralph Reflections on the War
Ralph Osterhoudt Sr. suffered from nightmares and post-traumatic stress [Annotator's Note: post traumatic stress...
Hussey, William Submarines After World War 2
Advances in submarine technology, William Hussey acknowledged, were directly related to the Navy's experience during...
Boyles, Edward Post-War Job
After three weeks in therapy at Letterman Army Hospital [Annotator's Note: located at the Presidio of San Francisco,...
Crump, Ralph Deployed with the Merchant Marines
Ralph Crump had passed all the tests, but all the gunnery training billets were full, and he was told that he would be...
Godbold, Bryghte Prisoner of War
Bryghte Davis Godbold was shipped to Shanghai from Wake Island after its fall. He was taken to an empty compound near...
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