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Brueland, Lowell War's End
Lowell Brueland saw that Germany had its last big gasp during the Battle of the Bulge. His squadron [Annotator’s Note...
Baile, Richard Camaraderie and Great Men
Richard Baile's crew all thought alike. They were optimistic. None of them thought they would be shot down. Baile does...
Fitz, Robert Disparate Climates
Robert Fitz crossed the Atlantic [Annotator's Note: Atlantic Ocean] 11 times during his service with the Navy Armed...
Matsumoto, Roy Counter Intelligence Corps
Roy H. Matsumoto saw the city of Hiroshima [Annotator's Note: Hiroshima, Japan] after the war. It was flattened and...
Wesighan, Fred Wounded on Okinawa
Fred Wesighan and his unit [Annotator's Note: Headquarters Company, 17th Infantry Regiment, 7th Infantry Division]...
VanDuzer, Raymond Life as a POW
At Stalag XII-A [Annotator's Note: in Limburg, Germany], Raymond VanDuzer and the other prisoners were assigned to...
Weil, Roswell Life in Liverpool
[Annotator's Note: Roswell Weil was assigned to the 68th Quartermaster Depot near Liverpool, England to prepare for the...
Roy, William Filming Yorktown
William Roy captured film of Japanese bombers attacking the ship [Annotator's Note: USS Yorktown (CV-5)] that was not...
Reitman, Seymour Early Life
Seymour Reitman was born in 1925 in Philadelphia [Annotator's Note: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania], but moved to Atlantic...
Zilliacus, Patrick Life in America
[Annotator's Note: Patrick Zilliacus emigrated to the United States from Finland with his mother and brother.] They...
Staymates, Arthur Over the Cliffs on D-Day
Arthur Staymates had crossed the beach and felt he had reached safety when he made it to the cliffs [Annotator's Note:...
Masters, Robert Navy Experience and War's End
Robert Masters's ship [Annotator's Note: USS LST-601] came under air raids on several occasions while in port in Tunis...
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