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Matsumoto, Roy War's End
Roy H. Matsumoto arrived in Kunming, China on Christmas Eve [Annotator's Note: 24 December 1944]. It was questionable...
Wesighan, Fred Fighting in the Aleutians, Marshal Islands, and Philippines
Fred Wesighan grew up in Kenilworth, New Jersey. After he graduated high school, he wanted to be a pilot in the...
VanDuzer, Raymond Becoming a Prisoner of War
The Germans took the weapons away from the wounded American infantrymen Raymond VanDuzer was treating. A day or so...
Weil, Roswell Overseas to Liverpool
Roswell Weil does not recall the ship he crossed the ocean [Annotator’s Note: Atlantic Ocean] on. There was no place to...
Roy, William Roy's Films of the USS Yorktown (CV-5) at Midway
[Annotator's Note: William Roy reviews a series of motion pictures clips he captured during the Battle of Midway in...
Zilliacus, Patrick Prewar Finland and Emigration
Patrick Zilliacus was born in May 1926 in Helsinki, Finland. Life growing up was fantastic. His parents divorced when...
Staymates, Arthur D-Day Beachhead
Arthur Staymates was too young to be frightened by the impending D-Day invasion [Annotator's Note: on 6 June 1944]....
Masters, Robert Prewar Life to Navy
Robert Masters was born in Akron, Ohio in August 1925. When he was five years old, the family moved to Santa Monica [...
Singlaub, John Fighting with the Marquis
John Singlaub had expected that his team would lead an attack on a German garrison, but a competing Communist...
Foster, Robert War's End
Robert E. Foster was in a particular spot where he was in the same hole as another man. Foster had to relieve himself....
Bertz, Richard Assaulting Germany
Richard O. "Otto" Bertz when through the backstreets of Paris [Annotator's Note: Paris, France] on a truck. It was...
Cowart, Thomas Being Wounded
Thomas Cowart entered France as a replacement [Annotator's Note: for the 320th Infantry Regiment, 35th Infantry...
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