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Boyles, Edward Awards and Citations
Edward E. Boyles received many awards and citations for his service in World War 2. He received the Presidential Unit...
Crump, Ralph War Production
At 18, Ralph Crump was awed by the work and the caliber of the professionals with whom he interacted [Annotator's Note...
Godbold, Bryghte Defending Wake Island
Bryghte Davis Godbold observed incoming Japanese aircraft flying at a low level. They flew over the islands and...
Caraway, John Early Life, Commissioning and Deployment
John F. Caraway was born on in November 1922 in Baytown, Texas, the son of an antiques dealer. At an early age, his...
Jaccarino, Richard Fighting on Hills and in Villages on Okinawa
Richard Jaccarino and his platoon [Annotator's Note: 2nd Platoon, Company F, 2nd Battalion, 17th Infantry Regiment, 7th...
Schmittgens, Leo Furlough, Liberty, and Training
Leo William Schmittgens trained with a M1 rifle [Annotator's Note: .30 caliber M1 semi-automatic rifle, also known as...
Derrington, Clarence "Earl" Fighting in France and Becoming a POW
Clarence Derrington entered France [Annotator's Note: with the 310th Infantry Regiment, 78th Infantry Division on 22...
Haffner, Robert Military Training and Overseas Deployment
On 7 December 1941, Robert Haffner and a friend of his borrowed their fathers' cars and rode around Detroit celebrating...
Burrus, William Basic Training and Overseas Deployment
William Burrus was drafted [Annotator's Note: in the spring of 1943] and went to Fort McClellan, Alabama for induction...
Heller, Robert Attitudes and Altitudes
It was a month or more before Robert Heller became the pilot of a new crew. As new personnel came in, especially top...
Chauvin, Ernest Easy Day; Hard Day
Ernest Chauvin and his unit [Annotator's Note: Company M, 3rd Battalion, 272nd Infantry Regiment, 69th Infantry...
Gomez, Hewitt Missions and Reunions
On one of Hewitt Brian Gomez's missions he and his crew spotted a German plane and they thought he was going to attack...
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