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Claus, Courtland Prewar Life
Cortland Claus was born in May 1925 in Ridgeway, Ontario, Canada. He spent his first 10 years going through grade four...
Myers, Leroy Segment 11
There were 2 shifts working and they would usually meet coming out. When they got to the camp everyone was outside on...
Pendleton, Arthur Patrols and Mosquitos on Cape Gloucester
Not a lot occurred on Cape Gloucester. Arthur Pendleton put in a lot of time on Cape Gloucester that was incredibly...
Mineta, Norman Heart Mountain Internment Camp
Norman Mineta and his family were transferred to the Japanese-American internment camp at Heart Mountain, Wyoming [...
McEnery, James Crossing the Matanikau
[Annotator's Note: James McEnery served in the USMC as a rifleman in Company K, 3rd Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment, 1st...
Brueland, Lowell Wee Speck and Grim Reaper
Lowell Brueland named his Mustang [Annotator’s Note: North American P-51 Mustang fighter aircraft] after his half-...
Simpson, Joseph Returning Home
Joseph Simpson was discharged from the service on 26 February 1946. When he was in Bremerhaven, Germany preparing to...
Baile, Richard Postwar Life
The military taught Richard Baile discipline. It also gave him another education. The combination of his college...
Auerbach, Herbert Postwar
When the war in Europe ended, Herbert Auerbach found out there was a point system set up to determine who went home and...
Fitz, Robert Early Life, Enlistment and Training
Robert Fitz was born in March 1925 in South Bridge, Massachusetts, the youngest of four children. He was very young...
Matsumoto, Roy Serving with the OSS in China
Roy H. Matsumoto did not realize he had been assigned to OSS [Annotator's Note: Office of Strategic Services;...
Chandler, Howard War Crimes Trial Testimonies
Howard Chandler went to Germany twice. He was a witness at war crimes trials. Most of the concentration camp guards...
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