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Braddock, William Iwo Jima
William Braddock landed in the first wave on Iwo Jima. Resistance was light at first. As the men advanced through the...
Goldstein, Elias Occupation Duty
Elliot Goldstein was sent overseas to Hof, Germany for occupation duty in 1946 [Annotator’s Note: with the 94th...
Hussey, William Pearl Harbor to Washington D.C.
Even though he was a small boy, William Hussey was aware that there was a fear that the Japanese would invade Hawaii....
Boyles, Edward Details of Leyte Fighting
Edward E. Boyles remembered very little resistance in the beginning of fighting on Leyte, Philippines, but his company...
Crump, Ralph Introduction to a Career in Maritime Engineering
After he graduated from high school, Ralph Crump opted against college, because he considered it a low-cost recruitment...
Godbold, Bryghte Wake Island
Bryghte Davis Godbold and the Marines on Wake Island lived in tents. The civilians involved with island construction...
Jaccarino, Richard Taking Hill 178 on Okinawa
With the 184th Regiment [Annotator's Note: 184th Infantry Regiment, 7th Infantry Division] on the line at Hill 178,...
Schmittgens, Leo Prewar Life, the Draft, and Boot Camp
Leo William Schmittgens was born in Saint Louis [Annotator's Note: Saint Louis, Missouri] in February 1926. He had four...
Derrington, Clarence "Earl" Becoming a Soldier and Overseas Deployment
Clarence Derrington entered the service and went from Camp Shelby [Annotator's Note: near Hattiesburg, Mississippi]...
Goldstein, Rosette Reflections
As a result of her wartime experiences, Rosette Goldstein has been made aware of the worth of other people and what...
Haffner, Robert Growing up in Detroit during the Great Depression
Robert Haffner was born in November 1924 on the eastern side of Detroit, Michigan. Haffner remembers growing up in a...
Burrus, William Prewar Life and Drafted
William E. Burrus was born in Birmingham, Alabama in February 1926. He had one brother and two sisters. His father...
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