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Stern, Guy Passover in Shreveport
In his advanced training, Guy Stern had to interrogate prisoners. They were taught four or five methods and were given...
Osterhoudt, Ralph Combat in Europe
Ralph Osterhoudt Sr. arrived in Paris, France and was assigned as a loader on a 240 mm howitzer in Battery A, then...
Bornstein, Jack Occupation in Europe
After the war in Europe ended, Jack Bornstein was sent to the Dora-Nordhausen forced labor camp [Annotator’s Note:...
Stern, Herbert Decision to Retire
Herbert Stern was sent to Fort Carson, Colorado to be the chief of staff of the Second Missile Command. He was told to...
Braddock, William Pearl Harbor
William Braddock reached Hawaii after his stateside Marine Corps training. Hawaii was nice. He was stationed on Ford...
Goldstein, Elias Wartime
Elliot Goldstein was born in March 1929 in New York City [Annotator’s Note: New York City, New York]. He grew up in...
Hussey, William Born into the Navy
William "Ted" Hussey was born in 1933 in Washington, D.C., and lived in that area five different times during his life...
Boyles, Edward Reconnaissance Mission in Leyte
In early November 1944, Edward E. Boyles was instructed to take a few volunteer troops [Annotator's Note: at the time,...
Crump, Ralph Early Life and Moving to California
Ralph Crump was born and raised in Council Bluffs, Iowa. The years of the Great Depression were "terrible," Crump said...
Godbold, Bryghte Early Life
Bryghte Davis Godbold was born in Alabama in 1914. Times during the Great Depression were not good for his poor family...
Cummings, Vernon Combat Experiences
Vernon Cummings' first battle station [Annotator's Note: aboard USS Indiana (BB-58)] was below deck in the powder room...
Poye, Matthew Japanese Locals and Returning Home
Matthew Poye was assigned to the Eigth Army as part of the occupation force in Japan. While stationed in Toyama City [...
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