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Hastings, Wilford Training and Overseas
Wilford E. Hastings drafted into the Army in 1943 and was sent to Chattanooga, Tennessee for induction. He was then...
Taylor, Fulton Becoming a Sailor
Fulton Taylor chose the United States Navy because service there appealed to him. His older brother was already in the...
Singlaub, John Training with the OSS and SOE
John Singlaub trained with the OSS following his completion of paratrooper and demolition training at Fort Benning,...
Foster, Robert Rattlesnakes and Ranger School
Robert E. Foster's first assignment was at Camp Phillips in Kansas [Annotator's Note: in Salina, Kansas]. The 94th...
Pritchard, James Postwar
James H. "Jim" Pritchard's unit [Annotator's Note: 28th Infantry Regiment, 5th Marine Division] was sent to Sasebo on...
Currier, Al War's End and Postwar
Al Currier returned [Annotator's Note: from Attu Island, Alaska as a member of Company B, 1st Battalion, 159th Infantry...
Morris, Mac Reflections
After the war, Mac Glenn Morris returned to happy parents but no large celebration. He did what he had to do. He...
Mittelsdorf, Joseph Becoming a Marine
Joseph Mittelsdorf thought the Marine Corps was intense. They taught everyone learn how to follow orders. The training...
Tarantelli, Armand Postwar
[Annotator's Note: There is another person in the room off screen that interjects to help interviewee with the...
Sellars, Arnol Prewar life
Arnol Sellars was born in Tulsa, Oklahoma in 1924. He lived in Louisiana, Texas, and overseas but Tulsa is home. He...
Hebert, Willie Roy Meeting His Future Wife
Willie Roy Hebert kept in touch with his brothers while he was in the service [Annotator's Note: with Marine Aviation...
Keller, Richard Hill 700
Richard Keller [Annotator's Note: with Company E, 148th Infantry Regiment, 37th Infantry Division] did not get to see...
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