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Stern, Guy Turned Away then Drafted
Guy Stern had come to Saint Louis, Missouri in 1937 when he was 15 years old to escape Nazi Germany. He tried, but...
Bornstein, Jack Combat in Europe
[Annotator’s Note: The video glitches and the video and sound are sometimes not synchronized throughout the segment.]...
Stern, Herbert Indochina
When Herbert Stern and his unit were on the way down from the north of Germany, the rubble in Frankfurt, Germany was...
Braddock, William Becoming a Marine
William Braddock was sworn into the Marine Corps in New Orleans, Louisiana. He thought he would fail the physical...
Boyles, Edward Inland Fighting on Leyte
As a few days had past, Edward E. Boyles and his platoon [Annotator's Note: at the time, Boyles was serving as a...
Cummings, Vernon Okinawa, War's End, Occupation Duty and Going Home
Vernon Cummings' ship [Annotator's Note: USS Indiana (BB-58)] stayed in formation with the carriers until 1 April 1945...
Poye, Matthew Prewar Life, Being Drafted and Training
Matthew Poye was born in January 1928 in White Valley, Pennsylvania. He had two brothers and four sisters. His family...
Jaccarino, Richard From Long Island to Leyte
Soon after being drafted into the Army, Richard Jaccarino was sent to Camp Upton at the end of Long Island, New York...
Goldstein, Rosette Becoming an American
Rosette Goldstein had a fight with another schoolgirl in Paris [Annotator's Note: Paris, France]. They fought because...
Peer, Wayne I&R Platoon
In all the time Wayne Peer spent overseas performing infiltration missions, the platoon [Annotator's Note: I...
Rees, Holly Combat Missions
The next little village Holly Rees' division approached was Keradera [Annotator's Note: phonetic spelling] with Company...
Grenny, Guy One Man’s Story
Guy Grenny had a man as a patient who had grown up in California. The man was in the Signal Corps [Annotator's Note:...
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