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Taylor, Fulton Early Life
Fulton "Jack" Taylor was born in 1925 in Corbin, Louisiana [Annotator's Note: cannot verify town name]. The family...
Currier, William Reflections
William Currier's most memorable experience of World War 2 was his first day at boot camp. He grew up in one day. He...
Ruiz, Manuel Reflections
Manuel Ruiz's most memorable experience of World War 2 was at the end of the war, and hundreds of people were going...
Foster, Robert Prewar Life to Officer
Robert E. Foster was born on a farm in northeastern Iowa. He walked a mile to a one room school through the eighth...
Pritchard, James Iwo Jima and War's End
James H. "Jim" Pritchard was sent to Saipan [Annotator's Note: Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands] after it had been...
Currier, Al Life in the Aleutians
Al Currier had many boring days [Annotator's Note: on Attu Island, Alaska as a member of Company B, 1st Battalion,...
Perino, Salvador Becoming a Navy Pilot
Salvador Perino was sent to Memphis, Tennessee to fly Stearmans [Annotator's Note: Boeing-Stearman Model 75 Kaydet or...
Brooks, Leonard Returning to the United States, Being Drafted and Occupation Duty
On 23 February [Annotator's Note: 23 February 1945] they were out [Annotator's Note: of the Los Baños internment camp...
Morris, Mac War's End
Mac Glenn Morris flew missions [Annotator's Note: as a dive bomber pilot in Marine Scout Bombing Squadron 236 (VMSB-236...
Mittelsdorf, Joseph Early Life
Joseph Mittelsdorf was born in September 1923 in Orange, New Jersey. He grew up during the Depression [Annotator's Note...
Tarantelli, Armand War's End and Postwar
[Annotator's Note: There is another person in the room off screen that interjects to help interviewee with the...
Hebert, Willie Roy Guam, China, and Home
The first time Willie Roy Hebert had ever been on a ship was when he was sent to Guam [Annotator's Note: Guam, Mariana...
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