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Whitman, Melvin Reflections
Melvin C. Whitman had to figure out how to work with the Army when he landed on Okinawa [Annotator's Note: Battle of...
Hastings, Wilford Experience in Europe
Wilford E. Hastings was sent overseas with an artillery unit [Annotator's Note: 284th Antiaircraft Artillery Battalion...
Currier, William War's End and Post War
William Currier [Annotator's Note: while serving as a radarman aboard the USS Hall (DD-583)] headed back to the United...
Ruiz, Manuel Postwar Life
Upon returning to the United States in mid 1946, Manuel Ruiz turned down the opportunity for a promotion if he agreed...
Giamberardino, Alfiero Postwar Life
Alfiero Giamberardino started screaming about the war's end when they heard about it on the radio. The British were on...
Pritchard, James Early Life and Becoming a Marine
James H. "Jim" Pritchard was born in August 1925 in Ottawa, Kansas. He grew up there. He had three sisters and two...
Currier, Al Attu Island, Alaska
Al Currier was able to learn to operate a tank [Annotator's Note: M3 Stuart light tank] when the Army sent 20 prewar...
Brooks, Leonard Liberation of Los Baños
Leonard Brooks and the other internees had no idea that they were scheduled to be killed at nine on the morning of 23...
Morris, Mac Aerial Combat
Mac Glenn Morris joined his squadron VMSB-236 [Annotator's Note: Marine Scout Bombing Squadron 236 (VMSB-236), in...
Gemperline, Eugene Reflections
Eugene J. Gemperline's most memorable experience of World War 2 was being operated on and the dizzy aftermath of post-...
Gierka, Eugene Closing Thoughts
Eugene Henry Gierka's most memorable experience was his being exposed as an interpreter to a couple hundred Polish...
Tarantelli, Armand Military Police in Europe
[Annotator's Note: There is another person in the room off screen that interjects to help interviewee with the...
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