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Segal, Harvey Fighting in the Normandy Hedgerows and on through France
Harvey Segal reached the French coast. He had to board a landing craft after taking off his 80 pound pack. The timing...
Casebonne, Louis Reflections on the War
Louis E. Casebonne’s most memorable experience was when he was in Marseille, France because it was very dangerous. He...
Bussel, Norman Scaring Some Germans
Norman Bussel was awaiting discharge and went to physical rehabilitation in Miami, Florida. He was then sent to...
Molen, Herman Liberation
Herman Molen remembers that they had to stay on the same floor as the German troops. Molen was eaten up by fleas and...
Bornstein, Jack Joining the Service
Jack Bornstein was born in Brooklyn [Annotator’s Note: Brooklyn, New York City, New York] in January 1921. He grew up...
Stern, Herbert Attending the French War College
Herbert Stern and his men were training every day during occupation duty, as they were convinced they were going to be...
Marca, Carl Military Swap Meet
Carl Marca was a mail censor for the Army in the Pacific Theater of Operations. Sending home prohibited items and...
Boyles, Edward Day One of Battle of Leyte
Edward E. Boyles was on a landing craft with his platoon [Annotator's Note: at the time, Boyles was serving as a...
Cummings, Vernon Early Life
Vernon Cummings was born in Mimico, Canada in March 1926. He was born an American citizen because his father was...
Goldstein, Rosette The Hideaway and Her Father
Rosette Goldstein met her father at a farm after fleeing Paris. They adored each other. She was not afraid because he...
Peer, Wayne Early Life
Wayne Peer was born in December 1923 in Keenesburg, Colorado and grew up in Keenesburg until his teen years when the...
Rees, Holly Early Life, Enlistment and Training
Holly Rees was born in January 1926 in Prescott, Arizona. Although he grew up during the Great Depression, his father...
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