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Johnson, Burton POW Camp Organization
Burton Johnson organized POW [Annotator's Note: prisoner of war] camps by first getting the engineers to establish a...
Roy, William Yorktown Photographer enters the War
William Roy had served in Battleship Division 5 in the Atlantic on the battleship Arkansas [Annotator's Note: USS...
Whitman, Melvin End of the War
Melvin C. Whitman and the rest of the artillery [Annotator's Note: Whitman was a member of Battery L, 3rd Battalion,...
Hastings, Wilford Prewar Life
Wilford E. Hastings was born in Braggadocio, Missouri in July 1923. He grew up in the area. Family life was tough for...
Currier, William Iwo Jima and Okinawa
William Currier [Annotator's Note: while serving as a radarman aboard the USS Hall (DD-583)] headed to Iwo Jima [...
Ruiz, Manuel Fighting in Europe
[Annotator's Note: Various noises are heard in the background throughout this clip.] Manuel Ruiz was frightful in...
Singlaub, John Becoming a Soldier
John Singlaub enlisted in the US Army Artillery because he wanted the experience to supplement his infantry skills....
Giamberardino, Alfiero Life in Italy During the War
Alfiero Giamberardino was born in May 1936 near Rome [Annotator's Note: Rome, Italy]. The American and British bombers...
Perino, Salvador Early Life
Salvador Perino was born in March 1924. He grew up in the Irish Channel, New Orleans [Annotator's Note: New Orleans,...
Brooks, Leonard Eight Months in Los Baños
They [Annotator's Note: Leonard Brooks, his family, and the 600 other missionaries] arrived at Santo Tomas and spent...
Morris, Mac Becoming a Marine Pilot
Mac Glenn Morris flew for the first time in the backseat of a Stearman [Annotator's Note: Boeing-Stearman Model 75...
Gemperline, Eugene Postwar
After a brief furlough [Annotator's Note: an authorized absence for a short period of time], Eugene J. Gemperline was...
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