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Delewski, Lawrence Segment 6
When the Laffey left Pearl Harbor she was assigned as a escort for an old battleship heading out into the Pacific to...
Karr, Robert Segment 11
Karr believed that Admiral Becton [Annotator's Note: F. Julian Becton was the Commander of the Laffey] was a very, very...
Noack, John Segment 4
John Noack and his crew finally got a plane. They took their time in breaking it in. Finally they received orders to go...
Three Days on Tarawa
Cassidy, James Reflections of the War
[Annotator’s Note: People talking in the background is audible throughout segment.] James Cassidy feels lucky that he...
Chartier, Charles Shipped to China
Charles Chartier thought he would go where it was nice and warm. He joined his outfit overseas. As they left Seattle,...
Myers, Leroy Segment 3
They built the dugout for 3 people. They would run around and get food, and they would work all night. After...
Hollis, Frederick Postwar
Frederick Hollis was drafted in August 1952. He had 16 weeks of Army basic training in Fort Bliss, Texas, eight weeks...
Pendleton, Arthur After the Tenaru River and Prisoner Snatches
Arthur Pendleton does not remember who was in the hole with him [Annotator's Note: during the Battle of the Tenaru...
Brueland, Lowell Early Life
Lowell Kermit Brueland born in a small town in Iowa. He was raised on farm two miles from town. Brueland’s father was...
Miksa, Robert Army Training
Bob Miksa [Annotator’s Note: Robert Miksa] was inducted into the service at Camp Grant, Illinois then sent to Camp...
Simpson, Joseph Becoming a Soldier
After he was inducted into the Army, Joseph Simpson first went to Camp Wolters in Mineral Well, Texas for about three...
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