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Stefanelli, Anthony Southern France and Germany
Once Anthony Stefanelli's unit [Annotator's Note: 36th Engineer Combat Regiment] had resupplied, they set out for...
Burnside, Frank CBI and Ferrying Operations
Frank R. Burnside [Annotator's Note: as a pilot in India with the 1st Air Transport Squadron (Mobile), 20th Air Force...
Bowie, James Invasion of Guam
James Bowie was part of the invasion of Guam [Annotator’s Note: The Battle of Guam, Mariana Islands; 21 July to 10...
Rubin, Mark Given Up to the Gestapo
Mark Rubin says his father Karl was one of the smartest people he's ever known. In 1942, Karl was 31 and in business...
Cohn, Marthe Joining the French Army
Marthe Cohn was finally was able to join the French Army in Paris in November 1944 once Poitiers, France had been...
Praetorius, Leo End of the European War and Reassignment
When the war in Europe was winding down, Leo Praetorius was brought back to the United States on standby, pending...
Cushman, Gene Berlin Airlift
Gene M. Gene M. Cushman flew cargo planes into Templehof during the Berlin Air Lift [Annotator's Note: Allied military...
Segal, Harvey Early Life
Harvey Segal was born in May 1925 in Roxbury, Massachusetts [Annotator's Note: Roxbury is a neighborhood in Boston]....
Oman, Mort Reflections of the War
Mort Oman suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder [Annotator's Note: post traumatic stress disorder; a mental...
Quirk, Clint After the War
Clint Quirk was not assigned to a ship. [Annotator’s Note: Quirk was in the Merchant Marines]. He went into the union...
Casebonne, Louis Return to America
Louis E. Casebonne, assigned to the CIC office [Annotator’s Note: 970th Counter Intelligence Corps] in Wiesbaden,...
Bussel, Norman Shrapnel, not Appendix
Norman Bussel arrived in Memphis, Tennessee and took a taxi to his house. All of his family was there for a big reunion...
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