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Cohn, Marthe Working in Paris and Joining the French Army
Just a year after her sister had been arrested for assisting people fleeing occupied France, Marthe Cohn's fiancé was...
Praetorius, Leo Observations and U-Boats
When asked what it was like flying in the TBF [Annotator's Note: Grumman TBF Avenger torpedo bombers aircraft], Leo...
Cushman, Gene Postwar Life
Gene M. Cushman was a safety manager as a lieutenant colonel in Spain where he oversaw a fleet of B-58s [Annotator’s...
Oman, Mort Postwar
Mort Oman [Annotator’s Note: was assigned to Headquarters Battery, 251st Field Artillery Battalion as a fire control...
Quirk, Clint Becoming a Sailor
Clint Quirk tried to get into the Navy, but he needed seaman papers. The longshoremen told him to go to the Army...
Casebonne, Louis Daily Life as a CIC Agent
Louis E. Casebonne was assigned to the CIC office [Annotator’s Note: 970th Counter Intelligence Corps] in Wiesbaden,...
Hilson, Doyle Reflections on the War
Doyle “Bill” C. Hilson’s most memorable experience of World War 2 was bringing troops home as part of Operation Magic...
Bussel, Norman Lucky Strike and Home
The people running Camp Lucky Strike [Annotator’s Note: Cigarette Camp, temporary staging camp; Lucky Strike between...
Molen, Herman The Second Schweinfurt Raid
Herman Molen volunteered to go on the second Schweinfurt mission [Annotator’s Note: The Second Schweinfurt raid, also...
Stern, Herbert Crossing the Rhine
Herbert Stern and the 84th Infantry Division crossed the Rhine River [Annotator's Note: on 1 April 1945] and the Weser...
Marca, Carl Mail Censorship Training
Carl Marca attended lectures on censorship while in ROTC [Annotator's Note: Reserve Officer Training Corps] in school....
Boyles, Edward Training on Adak
When Edward E. Boyles and his platoon [Annotator's Note: at the time, Boyles was serving as a platoon leader in Company...
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